Brr, buenos días a todos por la tarde.
Llevo todo el verano haciendo cosas ilegales y peguntandome cosas sin sentido, llegando a la conclusion que mi vida va a ser un "Endless Summer", y esta mañana mientras desayunaba en casa de un amigo, me he dicho que ya era hora de actualizar el blog, mi querido y maravilloso blog.
Bbrrr, good morning in the afternoon, cute things. I have been all summer doing things, but nothing, don't know if you know that I mean, and I decided my life is going to be a enless summer, hooraay! and the first summer entry will be about a cute giveaway I won, yep, me, the never winner girl, I won something, I'm so so happy, you ahve right down there the blog from the girl, she's so damn cute, cuter than the cute Amelie ^^ feel free to visit her.
La primera publicación del verano va a ser el maravilloso sorteo que gane, si, yo la que nunca gana sorteos, me hicieron estrellitas los ojos cuando recibi el mensaje. Era un sorteo conjunto de unos cuantos blogs, pero yo os haré publicidad de la chica que seguia de antes del sorteo. Es más mona y preciosa y que la mismisima amelie y con un gusto musical insuperable. Si quereis ganaros +70 en karma, es que teneis que visitar el blog *-*
Mil milllones de gracias a las chicas que hicieron el sorteo ~~

Now, what actually matters, what I won. I had no time to test it all, but'll share pics with you anyway :D
Os teneis el cielo ganado por leerme, ya lo sabeis, como siempre mil millones de gracias y muchas letritas de amor para vosotras para siempre.
That's everything, once gain, thank you so much for reading, and I'm sorry for this lack of pposts lately, I promise you reviews, outfits, make-up, and so on.
Pasad un buen verano y sed felices!
Have fun during summer, and be happy!
PD adcional: Click bajo tu responsabilidad
CON QUE UNA DE LAS GANADORAS FUISTE TU.... jajaja, como me alegro!!!felicidades y disfrutalo todo. besotes!!!
Eso es suerte y lo demás tonterías!! :) Hace tanta ilusión ganar un sorteo, yo he ganado el primero el otro día y qué ilusión aysss!.
ResponderEliminarEstaba deseando que actualizases, te perdonamos porque es verano ;)
Un beso besito besazo!
AAAAAAAAAAWWWWW!!!! This is the 2nd cutest thing I've ever seen! bella I just love looking at pics of makeup and lipstick. I do that all day when I should be working. -- SO CUTE!
ResponderEliminarThen you can't wait to see the nail polish mint coloured I bought today, it was so sosoosos damnc heap, and I didn't even know 222
EliminarI can't wait to see more "nonsense" from eBay! It's so cute when you get cute things. I love reading about them. \\ Thanks for the smile, lish!
ResponderEliminarThis entry had no reading part, but next one, and next ebay purchases, they will, jiji I can't wait for getting my infinite erarrings and etc 222
EliminarIs that lipstick edible? fap_ -- And why do you collect empty bottles and cans? Where I come from it's called "garbage."
Theysmeel lk eedible things, and this one smells like..like cotton candy again!
Eliminarcollect now beers bottles, i should ask my gringofriend for help //
Roof! Hi! You love Amelie, too? I humped her leg once. == Roof! (even girl dogs do that)
ResponderEliminarThanks for making my night, lish! Roof!
aww, you love amelie too? Cmoinq, Cleo, you're female 989898989989898989 girl dogs don't do that, don't scam mje >(
EliminarHola, precious! Did you buy all this nonsense with my money???? CMOINQ! I want my $10 back. 98989
ResponderEliminarJust teasing. \\ You like when I tease.
(Really, give me my money back. ==) Everything is just so so so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!! jiji
Off topic: Have you seen my arm? fap_
Jijiji, no, I used my cuteness and i won it all on a giveaway //
EliminarI have a stupid comment....you leave a sarcastic reply! (your turn)
ResponderEliminarI love when you levae stupid comments!!! (i really do//, not irony, never irony for my cute tard)
EliminarEarth first. We'll screw up the other planets later.
ResponderEliminarNah, lets try with mars now
EliminarMan, now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But then again, I just ate a live squirrel.
ResponderEliminarGUSTAAAAAAAA, but poor squirrel, I want one, you better puke it right now >(
EliminarConserve water, drink beer.
ResponderEliminarConserve water, take shower on company.
EliminarQ: How do you keep an asshole in suspense?
ResponderEliminarA: I won't tell you.
HOW??!??!? HOW HOW HOW HOW 98!
EliminarEnglish - Who needs that? I'm never going to England!
ResponderEliminarLet's study nadsat or american 99
EliminarWhen Sting retires, will he change his name to Stung?
ResponderEliminarThe Internet is a great way to get on the Net.
ResponderEliminar"You can't believe how good looking I am." - Anonymous ==
ResponderEliminarPeroooo es q te voy a comer todaaa!! Tu si q eres mona y lo del gusto musical q deciir si adoras a nuestro amado Santi!!
ResponderEliminarDisfruta muchisimo de tus regalitos porque te los mereces todos todos todos y mas!
Yo tambien tengo suuuper abandonado el blog :( hecho de menos todo esto pero apenas tengo tiempo de estar delante de la pantalla.. y no, no he encontrado trabajo, solo me estoy pegando un verano de vagueza total xDD
Un besote preciosa!!
me encanta el gif de freddy mercury!!!
ResponderEliminartienes una nueva seguidora se si spam!!!
me gusta la paleta de elf!! estuve a punto de intercambiarla pero al final no lo hice y me quede con ganas de ella
que guay, que pasada de premio te ha tocado. nos seguimos? besos
Felicidades guapa ahora a disfrutarlo todo muaaaaks!
ResponderEliminarHooooola! Felicidades por ganar el sorteo >.< que suerte tienes ehh...yo nunca gano nada :( bueno...he ganado 2 sorteos, pero me he apuntado a más de 50! >.<
ResponderEliminarA ver cuando jugamos al LoL que tengo ganas de reírme de lo manka que eres :P Ahhh y estoy de sorteooooo así que apúntate, que a lo mejor tienes suerte y ganas :)
Never and never, cmoinq, i was just stuck at thebeach 98!
ResponderEliminarI'm so glad I'm here again //