Golpea bien, hazlo bien.

Me llaman Octubre pero me convirtieron en Noviembre.
Lo mío es volar cosas por los aires.

Golpea Bien, hazlo bien.

La ausencia absoluta de Percepción visual torna insensible al Órgano cardíaco

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Jack and Sally Figures

**Si veníais buscando el tutorial a la espada Minecraft, hacer click en este enlace, la página que os redirige aquí, redirige mal xD.

Well, little ago a friend gave me some voodoo doll wood I like collecting, but I realized one was broken, it has the head separatly from the body, yes, I could have glued it and problem solved, but I decided to make something more awesome with them; Transform them in the mythic characters from Nightmare Before Christmas Jack and Sally.

Disculpen las molestias**
I will show you how to convert some simple dolls in the other ones. It was not really hard, It's more easy than it can look like, it just took me much time...

1.- Take them off any detail they have, like the horns, the trident, the tail ...And for the Jack one, remove also the eyes.
2.- Paint them white, so then you can paint them with any other colour more easy. (For Sally's skin mix blue and white painting)

3.- After the first "base colour" layer, start to paint them in their original colours. Paint the hole of the eyes on black, and make sure Sally's dress looks colourful.

4.- The bacis shape is done, now we just need the details. Painting Jack is really easy, just try to get accurate, when making the black lines, especially with the mouth. For more details, you can take the vampire's cape, cut it, and make Jack's cape, and Jack's bow, take care while glueing it.

5.- Do the same with Sally, paint her mouth very carefull. Remember the most important features from Sally are the red lips, and the long eyelashes.

6.- For the end, just add some hair to Sally, I used red wool, take patient to stick it.

Add as much as you like

The finish result is like this:

I think the effort worth it, and you will love them if you are a Jack and Sally fanatic like me.

4 comentarios:

  1. Dios que chulos, yo kiero unos

  2. That's the 2nd cutest thing I've seen in my life \\

  3. Son preciosos. Yo hice mi propia versión en fieltro de Sally. Si quieres verla: http://miscositasenfieltro-mg17.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/sally-muneca-de-trapo.html


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