Golpea bien, hazlo bien.

Me llaman Octubre pero me convirtieron en Noviembre.
Lo mío es volar cosas por los aires.

Golpea Bien, hazlo bien.

La ausencia absoluta de Percepción visual torna insensible al Órgano cardíaco

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

I don't wanna do Math ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ━!!!! ノー ホームワーク

Tengo que hacer mates...pero no quiero hacer mates, creo que nadie nunca quiere hacer mates.
I have to do Math, but I don't wanna do them, I'm sure anyone ever want to do them.

Este gif tiene un noseque que me hace mucha gracia, creo que es la cara de ninja que pone el profesor.
This gif has something, that, I don't know, but it's so hilarious, I think it's the teacher's face **  (╹◡╹) 

Además que soy incapaz de no distraerme, así que ya aprovecho y os dejo con las ultimas tonterías que me compré.

Esto es una caja que pronto se convertirá en un agujero negro, donde nunca jamas volveré a ver las cosas que meta en ella, creo que será algo así como la lavadora con los calcetines. Me gustó por las letras en chino/japonés/Gangman style (coreano) son simples palitos puestos al azar o realmente significan algo     (_)(_)()(_)v

In addition, I cannot concentrate, I get distracted so damn easily!, SO I will post something cute before going back to my homework job. This is a box which will become a black hole, whatever I put on it will disppaear and I will never see it again, it will appear in Halloween town, there's where they go, the same as the socks and the waser. I wonder if the oriental symbols actually mean something or they are just random.

El otro día, pasé por Sfera y vi accesorios para el instituto super Kawaii  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Me compré eso porque me aburría, y porque mi hermano es aeronáutico (?)
Last day, I went into Sfera accesories and I bought these ones for highschool, just know my Bro is aerounatic, and this pen makes me laugh, so I got it.

Y entre unas cosas y otras encontré el primer comic, me lo regaló mi hermano, porque conocía a la chica que lo escribió y me lo mandó dedicar... así esta bien, gracias, la chica parece simpática y el comic es de lo más raro y extravagante (*’-^*)^

Somehow I can't remember, I got to find my first comic ever m(;∇;)m It was a gift from my brother as he knew the drawer, I even got a dedication, she is so nice, and the comic is so freak and eccentric.

En fin, que me hizo mucha ilusión encontrarlo, al final del todo leí que ponía la dirección de su blog, asi que igual, si pinchaís ahí arriba en el enlace os vais de cabeza para allá.
So, I was happy to find it, at the end of it, I could read she said something about her blog, so just by clicking here, you go directly to it.

Ahora me voy a hacer algo de provecho, como es ver Big bang theory, gran serie.
Bing bang theory time now! ~~


La la la. Thanks for Reading and see you soon, my darling! 


22 comentarios:

  1. La la la. Thanks for sharing, you cute thing. I love your box. It would be a shame to lose your makeup, paint, lip-balm, and heels. 98 I know what the box says. "CUTIE wins, admit defeat." ==

    Cleo and I are very jealous of your bone. 555 Idea: I will buy a cooler bone, then you'll be jealous of me. **

    I love your blog. I'm your biggest fan. You should see my smile when I come here, cielo. \\

    1. And smtb pin, don't forget about the cute pin, it used to be in that bx before I agve it to my special friend.
      ** So cute, my Cleo and you are jealous, SOOO CUTEE!!!

      The point of this blog is making you smile, you ste \\

  2. Fill in the blank:

    This blog is the 2nd ______________________!!!!!

    222 Jenial is correct. CUTIE wins! It's in stone. Even when I lose, I win. Cmoinq! I love how cute and sweet you are. I come here 20 times per day just to see more cute things. \\ Thanks for having the cutest website in the world, you cute thing!

    1. ok, let's see...damn, I didn't learn this on MathS, hard question there cutie...er...mmm...This is blog is the 2nd CUTEST THING EVER!!! (after amelie, ya)

      I love your pic, you look awesome there, your cutie is lucky, I'm so jealous of her! 98

    2. off topic: your comments are so awesome, they make me happy

  3. WOW!!!! More cute things! OMG! I love your blog. You're so cute, Milimetros. fap

    Big Bang Theory is my favorite show. Joke. -- You should blog about Americano futbol. --

    1. If I ever knew who you are, secret admirer, we could watch Big Bang together, upface.

  4. Hola, estoy anonimo. Soy genial y fantastico. I am the cute one with anonymous comments. CUTIE and Jenial are so damn cool and sexy. It's ridiculous. They make this blog awesome. Joke. The CTE makes this awesome. I love it so much!

    Secret Admirer can kiss my ass. I love you more. ==

    1. You can't love her more. I do. I'm her biggest fan. Kiss my ass, anonymous. ==

    2. You're right, but my dearest friend makes this the BSE jiji

      (off topic: Your ass is MineS 9898989)

  5. Hi sweetie! Thanks for the updates! That box is soooooo cute! One day, a very special friend will have it. Can you use that to wash cars? No se. Might be kinda hard. fap

    I'm jealous of your special friend. 98989898

    1. Sure, my very special fiend is really interested in makeup, paint, lip-balm, bows and heels.

      Well, you can use it to keep the clothes you will use to wash your car, ya.

  6. I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!! *********

    1. Really. I've been **'ing for 20 minutes now. ********** I love me!

    2. So cute, I lol'd so hard too, your comments make this funny
      Wish everyone who comes here were like you..wait..no, just you make this special //

  7. Me gustan todas las cositas ke tienes en la caja =3

  8. Quiero todo el contenido de la caja, métete tu también dentro, gracias. Como no cumplas tendrás un agujero en el pesho, un saludo.


Por cada vez que visitáis mi blog, y no dejáis un comentario, hay un gato en alguna parte del mundo, que cree que puede salvar la distancia entre dos estanterías...y se cae D:

[Si te ha gustado, compártelo con tus amigos, y si no, pues compártelo con tus enemigos.]

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