Golpea bien, hazlo bien.

Me llaman Octubre pero me convirtieron en Noviembre.
Lo mío es volar cosas por los aires.

Golpea Bien, hazlo bien.

La ausencia absoluta de Percepción visual torna insensible al Órgano cardíaco

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

My last purchases (゚∇^d) ク !! ショッピング

Se está acabando el verano, ¿Qué ha sido de mi verano de los 17? Lo quiero de vuelta, empiezo las clases en una semana, y encima ya empieza a hacer frío (≧∀≦) 
Intentaré disfrutar de lo poco que me queda ya. 
El otro día salí, y como no, me compré un par de cosillas, no puedo salir con dinero, porque me lo fundo todo ヾ| ̄ー ̄|

Summer is ended, what happened with my 17 yo summer? I want it back, I'm starting school again in a week, and it's getting cold. I will try to enjoy my last days. A few days ago i went out, and as ever I bought some things.

This t-shirt is from Bershka, you may find another one if you go soon.

Lipbalms, lipbalms and more lipbalms, all they flavoured.
A mi todo lo que sea oler a comestible (^^)

Hairband, it had lowered price and it will match perfect with my new hair <3

Red high heels, and red bows, the red bows have like alligator weave, I like them. 
And I'm sure that if I click the red heels 3 times, something good will happen   ☆^▽^☆  

She looks so pretty (○  ★○) プリティ。

Y una noticia genial, me imagino que algunos ya lo sabréis pero para los que no, tienen los tomos de One Piece en versión de lectura original, ya sabéis, que se lee al revés, de derecha a izquierda, en la librería Herso, me pillé el primer tomo *O* Si logro acabarlo sin marearme me seguiré comprando más.

Great news, I found an original comic of One Piece, you know, you have to read it backwards, and it's little crazy for me until I get used to it. For the moment I only have first one, if I enjoy reading that way, I may buy the others. 

Fue un día bastante completito, además dio la casualidad que encontramos al azar una franquicia de Sushi, es la primera vez que veo algo así en mi ciudad. Se llama Sushimore y aunque yo diría que es un poco caro, tiene todo una pinta estupenda.

It was a great day, I got to vist many shops and places, and walking around we found a sushi restaurant, it's the first time I see something like that in my town. It's named Sushimore, and depsite I find it little expensive, it all looks wonderful. m(;∇;)m 

The menu, to make it bigger, just click on the image.

Bueno, y esto es todo por hoy, espero que os haya gustado, cualquier cosa ya sabéis, un comentario, y ojala y pueda actualizar más a menudo TwT Gracias por pasaros por my little jungle ^-^

Well, that's everything. I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to comment. 

Thanks for reading!! ~~(〃∇〃v)

16 comentarios:

  1. I just love your heels! I wish I was a girl so I could wear them. 98 Of 3 wishes, 1 would be a girl for a day. --

    That doll is the 2nd cutest thing I've ever seen.

    Is that the Sushi restaurant on Lezuza? Yeah, I've been there. Are you jealous?

    Thanks for the cute post. \\ One day I will use that t-shirt for washing my car. Or I would wear it and look hot. --

    1. If you were a girl you could never wear black socks and sandals!

      You're so cute, this is always the 2nd cutest thing you ahve ever seen, I guess the 1st one is the luckiest thing in the world.

      I didn't know you like fish 98

      Thanks for commenting, you cute thing! I'm glad you did, I 222'd and //'d etc etc \\

  2. I can't believe how cute you are. I've been following your blog forever and I simply adore you.

    Off topic: I, too, would use that t-shirt to wash my car. ==

  3. All you need to do is click on my name. I am a secret admirer. I love your blog! The bows are so cute. I'm sure they would look great on me. Cmoinq! I would make them sexy.


  4. Black socks and sandals FTW!

    1. You can't stop laughing. Admit it!

    2. I'm so lucky to have you **
      Can't stop laughing, I admit. You rock

  5. Your post is so jenial. I love it! That purple band would look soooooo cute on you.

    One Piece is so awesome. Cleo taught me how to read it backwards. Roof Roof!

    You're so sweet and cute. I love coming here. I always 222 and slash slash \\ Your blog is the 2nd cutest thing I've ever seen.

    You're so lucky to have my cute comments. ==

    1. Your comments are so jenial. Remember without your cute comments, my blog is nothing.

      I alwys write my blog so people like you (specially you) can 222 and slash slash **

      I can't believe how lucky I am, it's on stone //

  6. Que guay. Oie, sabes si los comics de one piece valen todos a 2 euros?

    1. Creo que el único que estaba a ese precio era el primero, para engatusar TwT Tenían más tomos pero creo que su precio ya se elevaba.


Por cada vez que visitáis mi blog, y no dejáis un comentario, hay un gato en alguna parte del mundo, que cree que puede salvar la distancia entre dos estanterías...y se cae D:

[Si te ha gustado, compártelo con tus amigos, y si no, pues compártelo con tus enemigos.]

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